Gunilla Perssons hus har förstörts i brand
Branden började i grannhuset och spred sig vidare till huset som Gunilla Persson bor i tillsammans med sin mamma, dotter och två katter. Katten Tusse klarade sig dessvärre inte. R I P Tusse.

Svensk ljusterapi
Var tog solen och värmen vägen? 3+ grader och skurar är det ute just nu. Burr.

Plötsligt händer det!
För ca 3 år sedan anmälde jag Omega 3 Nordic AB till KO. De skickade mig en påminnelse på en faktura avseende Omega 3 kapslar som jag inte hade fått och heller ej beställt. Adressen hittade företaget från Eniro där…

Vad hände här Russell Crowe?
Det är alltid lika ledsamt att se en Hollywoodkändis utanför sin filmroll. Finns det ingen som kan låna en korsett till Russell?

How do you know which side the fuel cap is on?
The fuel gauge shows empty and you see a petrol station that you intend to turn into. But on which side is the fuel cap on? How was it again? Right or left? You take a chance and it went well. The fuel cap was on the right side...

Do you want to make an impact?
YouGov is an international market research company founded in 2000 and has been in the Nordic market since 2007. Yougov's surveys are conducted via the Internet among a panel of volunteers , after which the results are weighted on demographic grounds...

Dolce & Gabbana in collaboration with Smeg
I visited Andrea Brodin's blog today and I saw something very sweet! No, it's neither babies nor puppies I´m talking about but a toaster, kettle, juicer and a kitchenmade that makes me feel a very great desire to have. So nice!...

What did You think Karl Fazer?
Karl Fazer Sverige AB has started a collaboration with Danny Saucedo, who defends using cannabis...

La Casa Blanca – White House in Spanish
As Transfluent says: "There are 41 million native Spanish speakers in the US, who deserve to hear from the President and the administration in their native language!" ...