Alexandra Nilsson's relationship help
Alexandra Nilsson is tired of her neighbors in Nacka. She has previously expressed dissatisfaction both with some of her neighbors and the long distance to Stockholm's city...
Alexandra Nilsson is tired of her neighbors in Nacka. She has previously expressed dissatisfaction both with some of her neighbors and the long distance to Stockholm's city...
Alexandra Nilsson had a Q&A in her story on Instagram. She previously lost a job as a presenter, which she was very sad about...
SVT is recording a documentary about when the blogging was as its biggest. Alexandra Nilsson tells in her Youtube video that she will be the main character and among others Tyra Sjöstedt, Desirée Nilsson and Katrin Zytomierska will also...
Alexandra Nilsson turned 31 a couple of days ago. A little later, she was celebrated by her mother and her family. Among other things, she received a shower cream and a soap from Chanel.
Alexandra Nilsson has answered questions in her story on Instagram to the question "Is it too late to start blogging? ” Alexandra answers as follows: Well, it depends on what you want to achieve with the blog? If you want to...
Alexandra Nilsson tells in her latest youtube video about her plans for 2022. Her dream is to work as a host and even if she did not get the TV job for a while ago she has not given up. Lately...
Alexandra Nilsson answered questions on Instagram story and she says she absolutely does not want to move to the country side as she thinks that Nacka, where she lives, is like living in the country side. She would like to move to the city...
Alexandra Nilsson wonders in her Instagram story what her followers would think if she participated in a documentary about her time as a blogger. When I just voted, 90% were positive about her possible participation...
Alexandra Nilsson says in her video that she was contacted by a production company and was offered her dream job. Which is to be a TV host. She did not have to go through any casting process but the job was hers. The meeting with the channel...
Alexandra Nilsson's puppy Lily eats and chews on everything she can get her teeth on. A while ago, she sabotaged Alexandra's braces and now Lily has gone crazy for Alexandra's Celine bag. The same rules apply to baby dogs and human puppies; Keep things you care...