Expressen berättar det som sägs i flera amerikanska medier
Den svenska tv-profilen är namngiven i amerikansk media och två större tv-kanalers lokala stationer har publicerat hans namn och bild. I medierna beskrivs två händelser som ska ha inträffat i början av januari.

Enligt polisrapporten ska den svenska tv-stjärnan olovligen ha försökt blanda sig i när en pojke i yngre tonåren tränade. Profilen ska sedan ha tagit tag i hans ben och därefter fortsatt beröringen längs benet, upp mot skrevet.
Pojken ska då ha blivit obekväm och gått därifrån, varpå svensken följde efter honom. Enligt den lokala polisen tog tv-profilen tag i hans skrev ovanpå byxorna, innan pojken sprang därifrån.
NBC Miami skriver
A man from Sweden is being accused of groping a teenage boy at a park in Broward County.
Coral Springs police said 85-year-old XX XXXXXXX approached a 13-year-old boy at Fern Glen Park on Jan. 3 and tried to assist him on the monkey bars without permission.
XXXXXXX grabbed the victim’s legs and continued to touch him up to his leg closer to his ”private” part, prosecutors said. The victim became uncomfortable, so he jumped off the monkey bars, and XXXXXXX followed him to the sit-up benches.
Police said XXXXXXX told the victim to do sit-ups and held onto his feet. When he touched the victim over his pants and groped him, the victim got up and ran away, according to an arrest report.
XXXXXXX is also accused of another incident the next day at a park in Margate, where he allegedly approached two teenage boys and asked them about their workout routines. XXXXXXX also allegedly tried to grab one of the teen’s shirts and asked to see his muscles.
XXXXXXX faces a charge of lewd and lascivious molestation of a minor, according to an arrest report. A judge imposed a $100,000 bond, GPS monitor ankle bracelet, ordered no contact with the victim or any minors and to surrender his passport.
Anyone with information about the suspect should call Coral Springs police are 954-346-1222.
CBS Local rapporterar om händelsen.
The boy and his family reported the incident to Coral Springs Police two days later.
It’s noted in the report that XXXXXXX is a “complete stranger” to the boy, who did not ask for XXXXXXX’s assistance while exercising.
Additionally, the report states that the boy had seen XXXXXXX “numerous times at the park prior, but this was the first time there was an interaction.”
The report also mentions a second incident that took place in Margate the day after the alleged crimes at Fern Glen Park.
“It’s concerning that the suspect has been at multiple parks here approaching these juveniles,” said Sgt. Carla Kmiotek.
Margate Police were in contact with XXXXXXX regarding a call placed by two male teenagers, who told police that he “tried to grab one of the teenager’s shirts and ask to see his muscles,” per the report.
It states that the second boy then slapped XXXXXXX’s hand away and they contacted Margate Police.
XXXXXXX is a resident of Sweden who visits the United States annually and stays for one month, according to police.
Police deemed XXXXXXX a flight risk as he has no family in the US and has a flight home scheduled for January 16th. In court Tuesday, prosecutors said they, too, fear that XXXXXXX might flee.
“I also have great concern about Mr. XXXXXXX’s future appearance in court as he is a flight risk,” the prosecutor said in court.
The judge ordered XXXXXXX held on $100,000 bond and ordered him to surrender his passport. XXXXXXX is facing charges of lewd and lascivious conduct towards a minor between 12 and 16 years old.
Police say they want to hear from anyone with information about any other suspicious incidents involving XXXXXXX.
They also say this is an important teaching moment for parents and children.
“We want children to know and parents to teach their kids that at this point it’s ok to flee, run, let me know that I’m not ok with this and contact authorities immediately,” Kmiotek said.