There is drama going on among youtubers on Instagram. This time it's about values that these guys no longer share.
Cluee News has published a video today where he says that influencers want to be friends with him so that he can bring up good things about them. But when he reports less good things that according to Cluee News have been published by influencers themselves, they no longer want to be friends.
This video is long and full of lots of commercials for his digital products and more. The very explanation that begins at 21:44 is to how his and Joakim Lundell's relationship looks today. The two have no relationship at all today and have not had it in several months according to Cluee News.
Joakim Lundell posted a story on Instagram after watching the video. Cluee News has interviewed Olof K Gustafsson who has really given in to Joakim Lundell and his family. So hard that he was eventually temporarily blocked on Youtube. There were probably many with me who reported his Youtube shorts.
According to the text below, Joakim could not stand someone laughing with a person who has spoken very humiliating about Jonna etcetera.

And Cluee News has responded to Joakim's story with his own stories.

And he also adds to this story.

Screenshots: instagram/joakimlundell/ clueenews