Malin har 1 800 000 följare på sitt Instagramkonto upcloseandstylish. Hon visar aldrig sitt ansikte på bilderna då det är själva modeintresset som får henne att driva kontot.

Nu reagerar hon på tidningsartikeln och berättar att väskan som är sex år gammal inte alls är någon diamantbeströdd dyrgrip vilket journalisten skulle ha sett om han hade tittat på Malins Instagrambilder.
Hon skulle aldrig betala så mycket pengar för en väska även om det skulle vara en investering. Hon ber också sina läsare att inte tro på elakt skvaller.

People sometimes… It has come to my knowledge that a newspaper wrote about me and this bag pictured, a #Hermès#HimalayaBirkin. The journalist haven’t looked at my photos here on Instagram, because you know if he did the truth would be right there in front of him and his article wouldn’t be as much fun to write anymore I guess. He writes that My bag has diamonds on it and has a price tag of ??? (you can imagine).
You can easily see that my bag does not have that. On top of that I bought mine 6 years ago. Even though it was a substantial amount of money back then – I buy Hermès as an INVESTMENT – the price today is far from the same (I bought mine in Hermès own store in Europe, not an auction or re-seller, which also is an extreme price difference in it self) but it will NEVER be the price of a Hermès bag with diamonds.
Even though it is an extremely beautiful bag I would never, in my life, put that amount of money into a bag. No matter the increase in value. With that said, please don’t believe everything you read. If it doesn’t come directly from the source (meaning YOU actually hearing it being said by named person) do NOT put too much into it. Read it as it is – gossip under the influence of a mean pen…
Auktionshuset Christie´s har några Hermes Birkins till salu om du skulle vara intresserad….
Bild: Christies