Joakim Lundell, who for the first time has been able to sleep properly after his hair transplant, is now reacting. He is really tired of his influencer colleagues who, according to Joakim, post things about the war just to collect good will points. Maybe he writes from his heart.
Bianca Ingrosso has published a similar story. And then I would at least like to know who the real author of the text is. Because it is the lyricist who should be reposted!
First Joakim Lundell's post.
Can't some influencers quit their goodness junkie contest, regarding the war!
You don´t have to collect good will points through claiming that you are better persons because you don´t post collaborations.
You do not have to tell what others should post and not to post on Instagram.
This is the reality and a real war and no competition on social media. I don´t understand why as soon as something happens, you immediately take the chance to collect lots of fucking good will points in front of your followers.
What is the point of posting things if it is only for looking good in front of others?
Do things from the heart, if you want to do this because you care, then what is the point of writing it out for everyone?
Is it not enough to do good things if no one knows that you have done these things ??

Bianca Ingrosso has reposted this post from Kenza's Instagram. Suspected similar to the post that Joakim Lundell published in his story.
God it really DISGUSTES me how people try to collect good will points
God it really DISGUSTES me how people try to collect good will points from their followers by 1. Tell how they paused their collaborations etc (it is possible to pause their posts without telling others .. or wait, then no one knows how good you are) and 2. Slam down on how others act in this situation, on what they post or not post about Ukraine - also to collect points with their followers because then you are "the only SMART and the only one who ACTUALLY CARE.
Vomiting. This is about innocent people living in WAR right now. It's not about who does what on instagram in Sweden. It's not about you or me. Spend that time on something sensible instead of fighting your ass off to be reposted as the "good influencer".
PS. No one needs to repost this
PS2. When it's time for elections again, I hope you all vote RIGHT, so that people fleeing conflicts around the world have the opportunity to start over in our country. If you vote the other way around, you can take your thoughts and stop them somewhere (in your ass).

And this post on Bianca's Instastory comes from Vanessa Lindblad.
The last thing we should focus on right now is a dividing between "good and bad" on instagram during a total disaster that we are now in. The last thing we need at all right now is a split among us.
The only thing that matters now is to stand united. It is war! There is alarm throughout Europe. Do not take actions that create more anxiety and split.
If you see or you hear something inappropriate act directly on that person. Do not hang people out. It just creates more negativity which we absolutely do not need! Think about your actions.

Screenshots: instagram/joakimlundell/biancaingrosso