Det har inte varit uppdateringar på Isabella Löwengrips kanaler sedan detta Instagraminlägg och bilder från pressmötet som hölls hemma hos henne.
When you wake up and realize that’s not a nightmare. I just want to lay down and sleep until everything is safe and normal again. Pain is rushes through my body, it’s an echo of why in my head. A person that you loved, put you through this danger. It breaks my heart.
Visa det här inlägget på Instagram
Nu har hon uppdaterat via Instastory med denna bild och några reklambilder för Zalando store i Berlin.

Hon meddelar att hon och barnen kommer att ta time off.
Since I was a child, my super power has been that I’m able to shut down to survive though times. I had hoped that I was done using that defense mechanism. But here we are again. Today is my last work day in high heels and a smile on my face. After that me and the kids are taking some time off. Thanks for all your support ❤️