A third dish has been prepared by Bianca Ingrosso's cooking-interested boyfriend Phillipe Cohen. His videos have become popular on Youtube and his channel now has over 60,000 followers!

This time he cooked chicken curry with rice.
This is what you need to cook the dish:
500gr chicken
1,5 cubes chicken broth
1 tablespoon soy
1,5dl créme fraiche
5dl whipping creme (double creme)
2 teaspoons curry
4 servings of rice
Salt, pepper and chili flakes
Olive oil

The food was cooked in Phillipe's kitchen so the video did not have as nice recording studio as the first two which were recorded at Bianca´s.

The sound was also a little lower and in the background the cameraman (Bianca) was heard panting hungry.

No wonder at all as the finished dish looks really good!
Screenshots: phillipecohen/youtube