I've been cleaning up a bit on Google search results. Copying and content scraping seem to be extra popular among those who speak
If you take a complete article and publish it as your own without the slightest reference, but with a full advertisement, you have to blame yourself.
It does not matter if it´s translated into English or Arabic. Google does not like duplicated content and I don´t like thieves
I searched on Yandex (a Russian search engine) and found my posts immediately. And I also found articles from other Swedish magazines translated into English, without reference and with full advertising.
Anyone recognize these Swedish complete articles now in english?

The article about Alice Stenlöf who interviews Maja and Linnea Widmark in Costa Rica. Copied from Nyheter24.

And this article where Alice Stenlöf tells on Youtube how bad she felt after her relationship ended. Copied from Nyheter24.

Someone has written about Josefine Caarle and Jesper Parnevik and now the article has been copied.

Wondering if this article does not come from ehandel.se or Breakit? It was copied from e-handel.se.

Here is an article about Bianca accidentally filming her pregnancy test. Copied from Nyheter24.

And here is an article about Caia Cosmetics or Lovisa Worge reported to RO. Copied from Nyheter24.

And finally, someone wrote about Molly Rustas and now the article has been copied from Nyheter24 .
So this is just ONE web page that has so many copied articles. Even mine but I have already reported them.
Alla screenshots: archytele.com