Caia Cosmetics is valued at SEK 1.2 billion by Breakit who has read the Swedish Companies Registration Office's (Bolagsverket) document. The valuation is based on the share price in January when a buyer paid SEK 12,300 per share. In 20 months, the value has risen from SEK 400,000 million three times higher.
Verdane now owns 60% of Caia Cosmetics after the original ownership group, including Bianca Ingrosso, sold a total of 10% of its shares. After Bianca sold 3% of her shareholding, she now owns only 11.5% of the shares.
Breakit estimates that Bianca Ingrosso earned SEK 30 million from selling her shares in Caia Cosmetics. And SEK 100 million was deposited in the bank account after the sale of part of the shares to Verdane 2020.