Kavat's employees can't live on their pay

SVT report "Barnskofabriken" let us viewers know that Kavat (a shoe manufacturer) has received aid money from Sida and increased its turnover.

Kavat received almost SEK 700,000 in development assistance money from Sida to transfer "swedish working methods in terms of work ethic and work environment". Since the start in Bosnia, Shoe factory Kavat's turnover has increased from SEK 34 million to SEK 130 million, before the pandemic.

Unfortunately, the employees in the swedish-owned factory cannot live on their salary.

The basic salary for a worker at Kavat's factory is around SEK 2,500 gross per month. The first Saturday of the month they always work. Workers have at least 19 overtime hours per month, according to the salary specifications that the SVT program "Uppdrag granskning" has received. Then a worker can reach a net salary of SEK 3,000 a month.

According to the Bosnian trade union movement for textiles, leather and rubber, a family, with two adults and two children, needs to earn at least SEK 12,000 a month. 

Kavat defends itself by saying that the workers also receive compensation for a hot meal a day, and for transport by bus to and from work.

As so often, Kavat has also been marketed by an influencer and in this case, the influencer was also a member of Kavat's board. Cecilia Blankens has collaborated with Kavat and also been their creative advisor.

"Kavat's assessment of quality and sustainability is completely in line with my own values," said Cecilia Blankens when she took a seat on Kavat's board.

Cecilia Blankens was a member of Kavat's board until she went over to her own shoe brand. Kavat's CEO Magnus Ericsson said "We part in the best understanding and we wish Cecilia great luck".

Barnskofabriken (”Children's shoe factory") ”is now shown on SVT Play.

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