As you know, Pernilla Wahlgren has sold her green house on Lidingö. Now a feverish work is going on to clean among all the things that are thrown everywhere in the house and in the garage.
Unopened moving boxes have remained for a long time since the last move, and over the years Pernilla has received help from her more organized friends. But now the move is getting closer.
To not just throw good things at the carbage pile or sell at a discount a flea market was arranged in Lidingö Centrum for everyone interested in Pernilla's things.
The money from the flea market will be donated to the organization Save the Children.
In December 2018, Bianca Ingrosso bought a Louis Vuitton bag for Pernilla as a birthday present. Bianca promised that her father Emilio would also receive a similar treasure. Pernilla's bag has been thrown into the garage, which is used for every other ways than a car park.

Bianca writes in her old Instagram story from December 2018 that she does not really care about material things.