Margaux Dietz is one of the celebrities who opens her home to the Ukrainian refugees. “Thank you Margaux Dietz for taking care of 17-year-old Maria! She was so happy! Means so much! ” writes party fixer Johan Petre who has really done an admirable job in Poland.
I wonder if Margaux got to see pictures of different people and chose the one that was most Instagram-friendly. Hopefully the young girl will thrive in Sweden and that she will have an opportunity to continue her schooling.
Other celebrities who welcome children and also their mothers are for example Carola Häggkvist who reopens her home to help. And Dominika Peczynski and Anders Borg who live with Dominika's 10-year-old son in a 7-room apartment and kitchen welcome 2 families with children. Dominika writes on Instagram that she speaks polish and understands ukrainian quite well. "You are welcome," she adds.
Screenshots: instagram/johanpetre/margauxdietz