Isabella Löwengrip in the podcast "Mot alla odds"

Isabella Löwengrip is interviewed by Deqa Abukar in the podcast "Mot alla odds" (Against All Odds). As a 30-year-old, Isabella is feeling old and she feels almost like the mother of all influencers. She says she was the first blogger to charge for a promotional post. She called a company and received SEK 500 for that post.

She believes that many influencers will be burned out as they constantly have to post new posts every two hours to stay current. However, Isabella believes that no one will take their burnout seriously as people think that the influence profession is not a job.

If Isabella would invest in a company, it would be something with women's health and products for women. "Sponsoring other women is my thing," says Isabella. She's just waiting for the first female tech billionaire.

"It's cool to dream big" says Isabella "but I don´t have the same energy anymore. I'm tired after all these years ”.

In her blog, Isabella describes her interview with positive words.

Participating in a podcast takes a lot of energy, more than a regular interview because everything is recorded. It´s important to be quick in the answers and think about what the consequences will be of everything I say. Everything I say remains, forever.

Deqa told me that she had not done so many interviews before me, then I gave her positive feedback and said that she was among the best podcast interviewers I have met. Her podcast is going to be great!


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