Pernilla Wahlgren's Hybris gang loses a beloved member who will not return when the tour starts after the summer break.
May 14 will be Ola Forsmed's last time to join the popular ensemble. During the autumn, he will play in the show Tootsie instead.
Together with Robert Gustafsson and Sussie Eriksson, he will be on the stage of the Oscar Theater in Stockholm.
Ola is replaced by Linus Wahlgren and now many of those who have already seen the show before are probably thinking of seeing it again.

Linus is looking forward to all the shows this autumn.
Of course I line up when my sister forc... ask. So happy to replace the genius @olaforssmed No anxiety at all. And to be able to go on tour and be made up by my ex-wife @jessica_wahlgren , I am also looking forward to it very much. No, this is going to be amazing! See how excited I am!
Screenshots: instagram/linuswahlgren