Paow's problems with the Danes keep coming. She has previously described how bad people in Denmark behave towards her. And now she tells in her Instagram story that she was not allowed to get into a bar because of her tattoos!

So was not allowed to enter a place that is like a bar in Denmark. That´s ´cause of my tattoos! Time to move back to the future. Not directly I look criminal or dress badly.
Would probably say that I dress better than 97% of the people here. No. Time to go to Sweden now.
In Denmark there´s a law from 1966 stating that it is illegal to tattoo persons under 18 years of age. Also tattoo persons on the head, on her hands and on the neck is not allowed by law. It´s not illegal to tattoo in an other country.
Paow känner sig mobbad av danskarna och mår dåligt av att vara i Danmark.
Screenshots: instagram/kattpaow